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 Just a normal day for me.

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2 posters
I Rule This Site

Number of posts : 73
Age : 34
Location : Look behind you
Registration date : 2009-01-17

Just a normal day for me. Empty
PostSubject: Just a normal day for me.   Just a normal day for me. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2009 1:54 am

XxDanny4 (6:48:29 PM): You know what's funny? I was watching the spanish channel and some guy came on saying how Dish tv is taking that channel away and to please call them to tell them not too
XxDanny4 (6:48:41 PM): Hellz no im not calling : )
shadowdemonx9 (6:48:51 PM): wat?
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:00 PM): wat channel
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:00 PM): o.o
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:01 PM): wat
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:02 PM): =o
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:03 PM): xD
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:08 PM): o.o
XxDanny4 (6:49:09 PM): the spanish channel is being taken off and he wanted people to call to complain
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:09 PM): interesting
XxDanny4 (6:49:16 PM): Univision
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:17 PM): o
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:26 PM): well i dont have dish =o
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:29 PM): i have
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:31 PM): fios =D
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:36 PM): -shiny-
XxDanny4 (6:49:40 PM): no one cares about ur fios cuz it sucks
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:47 PM): psh faster than ur dial up
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:49 PM): wait no
shadowdemonx9 (6:49:55 PM): *upgraded* dial up >.>
XxDanny4 (6:50:01 PM): you have fios internet
shadowdemonx9 (6:50:06 PM): duh =o
XxDanny4 (6:50:16 PM): well it still sucks
shadowdemonx9 (6:50:19 PM): lol
shadowdemonx9 (6:50:21 PM): =p
XxDanny4 (6:50:29 PM): *throws my Orange juice in your face*
XxDanny4 (6:50:35 PM): LOL
XxDanny4 (6:50:37 PM): f***
shadowdemonx9 (6:50:38 PM): -watches it land in front of me-
shadowdemonx9 (6:50:41 PM): =o
XxDanny4 (6:50:41 PM): it spelled on my pants xD
shadowdemonx9 (6:50:44 PM): lmao!!!
XxDanny4 (6:50:45 PM): spilled*
shadowdemonx9 (6:50:49 PM): it spelled
shadowdemonx9 (6:50:50 PM): xDD
shadowdemonx9 (6:50:52 PM): really
shadowdemonx9 (6:50:54 PM): wat did it spell?
XxDanny4 (6:50:54 PM): hold on gotta wash it out xDDDD
shadowdemonx9 (6:50:55 PM): bum?
shadowdemonx9 (6:50:56 PM): xDD
shadowdemonx9 (6:51:08 PM): haha
shadowdemonx9 (6:51:15 PM): ur orange juice spelled on your pants
shadowdemonx9 (6:51:17 PM): priceless....
XxDanny4 (6:51:24 PM): wow that was epic fail on my part xD

And that's exactly how it went, don't you just love random conversations.
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Eternal Dragonheart

Eternal Dragonheart

Number of posts : 30
Age : 33
Registration date : 2009-01-17

Just a normal day for me. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a normal day for me.   Just a normal day for me. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2009 1:57 am

Random conversations are the best, like the one we had last night. No you still can't have any cookie batter!
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I Rule This Site

Number of posts : 73
Age : 34
Location : Look behind you
Registration date : 2009-01-17

Just a normal day for me. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a normal day for me.   Just a normal day for me. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2009 1:58 am

Hey ok, Imma have my cookie batter!!!.
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Just a normal day for me. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a normal day for me.   Just a normal day for me. Icon_minitime

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