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 Google Search: "How to be a Stalker"

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I Rule This Site

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Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Google Search: "How to be a Stalker"   Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2009 8:19 pm


1. Dress up like a ninja
2. Carry a shiny black walkie talkie and a can of manaca
3. Modify your basement with pictures of your beloved
4. Wait behind their bushes
5. When they walk out with their abnormally large, vicious German shepherd and scream, "I'm calling the police!" run like heck.

Yeah this is what I found, hope it comes in handy. For those stalker type peoplez....*cough*Zayfell,Eternal,Joe...and other peoplez*cough*
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Eternal Dragonheart

Eternal Dragonheart

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Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Google Search: "How to be a Stalker"   Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 1:30 am

*gasp* Me? A stalker? Well I never! You're so mean to me T.T
Last time i checked YOU'RE the stalker >.> Okay maybe we take turns stalking each other lol
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Number of posts : 32
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Registration date : 2009-01-17

Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Google Search: "How to be a Stalker"   Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 2:24 am

-.- Don't get me started on google, Wes.
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Eternal Dragonheart

Eternal Dragonheart

Number of posts : 30
Age : 33
Registration date : 2009-01-17

Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Google Search: "How to be a Stalker"   Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2009 2:26 am

Lol you looked up the directions for how to get to Japan.
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Number of posts : 32
Age : 34
Registration date : 2009-01-17

Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Google Search: "How to be a Stalker"   Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2009 3:55 am

Eternal Dragonheart wrote:
Lol you looked up the directions for how to get to Japan.
o_o yeah I did. And it only proved to me that google knows nothing about traveling. And if they can't travel, they can't find me my damn answers either. -_- f*** google. Bah.
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I Rule This Site

Number of posts : 73
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Registration date : 2009-01-17

Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Google Search: "How to be a Stalker"   Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2009 4:22 am

Lol, its called common sense Joe. Which seems to be absent in your case at the moment.
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Number of posts : 4
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Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Google Search: "How to be a Stalker"   Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2009 9:35 am

Mhmm.. that's SO me!!! ^.~ Especially since you're the one leaving statues in my bush.. =O I mean really Wes, projecting your own personality onto others.. Do you have to stoop so low?! *giggles*
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I Rule This Site

Number of posts : 73
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Registration date : 2009-01-17

Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Google Search: "How to be a Stalker"   Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2009 3:03 am

What, I didnt do anything. That seemed to have happened on accident. Now I can't get back into that block to make more of them.
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Number of posts : 32
Age : 34
Registration date : 2009-01-17

Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Google Search: "How to be a Stalker"   Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Icon_minitimeSun Apr 05, 2009 5:44 pm

O.O You chase me around threatening to beat, and anally rape me with a shower rod, and I'M the stalker?

>.> Just because I like to take photos of your little black ass dancing in the livingroom when nobody is home and go home and smell them doesn't make a stalker, Wes.

Mommy told me so Cool
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I Rule This Site

Number of posts : 73
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Registration date : 2009-01-17

Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Google Search: "How to be a Stalker"   Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2009 7:26 pm

your such a loser =o , and you don't even know where I live so wat oh. =o
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PostSubject: Re: Google Search: "How to be a Stalker"   Google Search: "How to be a Stalker" Icon_minitime

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